Our Services
Sunday Two Services
8:30 am & 10:30am
Wednesday 6:30pm
5010 Hwy 25 Hodges SC 29653
Frequently Asked Questions
What to expect
Lead - Teach - Encourage
WHat Can
i expect
We are a casual loving community. You can expect four elements that make up our gatherings. Worship, Preaching, Prayer and Fellowship. As you pull into the parking lot you will see cheerful greeters that will help you get parked. As you approach the main doors, you will be welcomed by someone that will help make your experience easy and enjoyable from the moment you enter the campus.
What are worship services like?
Our desire is to gather together and worship God through music and the study of God's word. We are a spirit filled body of believers. We have a full worship band that generally plays contemporary Christian music. Here you will have freedom to worship as God leads.
What do
i wear?
Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. At Gethsemane you will find all types of dress and styles. We consider ourselves a casual community, so feel free to come as you are.
What about the young people?
Our One Youth kidz ministry is incredible. We have a nursery for all services for ages birth to 4yrs. From 4yrs through 6th grades our kidz meet after Worship to grow their own relationship with God through music, crafts, lessons and just plain fun. When you walk into our campus, someone will be ready to check your children in. You can rest assured that your children will be in the best care with our staff and volunteers who have passed rigorous background checks, received ample training, and really enjoy serving with children!
The One Youth Teens ages 5th through 12 grade meet after worship every Wednesday night with their leaders to learn about God through relevant studies and discussions.